Yoga For Better Living

I originally found Yoga through dance. 

In the beginning my practice was physically focused. I was interested in pushing my body in the same way I was being pushed in the small dance company I was a part of. This was around 1999. At that time I had no sense of Yoga philosophy or any of the guiding principles that now shape how I practice and instruct. Concepts like non-forcing, non-striving, non-clinging, non-competing - all fundamental ideas behind how to practice and how to live - were not understood by me and were not a part of my practice right away, but they are now. I’ve found that the more I work with these ideas, come to understand them and put them into practice, they provide reliable guidance and a pathway to better living. I suffer less, I access flow states more and I’m better at truly allowing life to unfold while staying tuned to the very best of it! These principles have become part of the foundation of how I practice and teach, but more importantly they have become a most reliable criteria for living my best life.

If you’re interested in learning more and, ever better, directly experiencing what I’m talking about, please join me for class sometime soon. 

Jenna Hussey