Corporate Wellness Programs

Reboot body mind offers Yoga, Meditation and On-Site Massage. Yoga and/or Meditation sessions can be virtual and/or in-person. Together we’ll develop a cadence that works for your company.

As a massage practitioner and instructor of Yoga and Meditation, my work is with companies that are invested in the well-being of their employees and want to support better stress management and promote self-care.


A partial list of the companies I have worked with include:

- Accent Therapeutics
- Akamai
- Cerulean Pharma
- Corvidia Therapeutics
- Cubist Pharmaceuticals
- Epirus Biopharmaceuticals
- Epizyme
- Harvard School of Public Health
- ImmusanT
- MIT Medical Department
- Morphic Therapeutics
- Navitor Pharmaceutical
- Pear Therapeutics
- Sage Therapeutics
- Selecta Biosciences