About Jenna

Jenna Hussey is a 1998 graduate of the Massage Institute of New England. She maintained a small private practice for many years and taught massage at The Elizabeth Grady School of Massage Therapy from 2012-2016. The main focus of her career, however, has been Corporate Wellness.

Since 1999 Jenna has been providing on-site massage therapy for companies in the Greater Boston area. Her goal is to support a company’s commitment to wellness and prevention by way of customized massage therapy, yoga and meditation programs for employees. She has been successful in carving out a niche for herself in the bio-tech world and enjoys contributing to the well being of both her individual clients and the workplace as a whole. Some of the companies Jenna has worked with include Morphic Therapeutic, Selecta Biosciences, Pear Therapeutics, Epizyme, Cubist and The Harvard School of Public Health.

A dedicated student of yoga for over twenty years, Jenna began instructing classes in 2007. She has taught countless Beginner workshops and is adept at catering to mixed level classes. Her teaching is rooted in basic Classical Yoga principles and is more akin to mindfulness practice than it is to a fitness regiment. Her style of teaching is non-competitive and is intended to promote stress reduction and an overall experience of community and well being.

In addition, Jenna is a trained and experienced practitioner of Mantra Meditation and a long-time student of Advaita Vedanta and Yoga philosophy. All of this study and experience lends itself beautifully to her commitment to supporting herself and others in managing stress and finding connection, comfort, ease and freedom in both body and mind.