21 Day Meditation Commitment - Beginning January 11, 2023

21 Day Meditation Commitment - Beginning January 11, 2023


Jump start a daily meditation practice with the support of 21 consecutive days of live guided sessions.

Daily Zoom sessions will consist of a twenty minute guided meditation within which basic instruction is provided allowing you to learn to self-guide meditation as you go.

The objectives of these sessions:

  • Equip participants with correct understanding of meditation technique so they can successfully self-guide their own meditations.

  • Establish participants in a daily practice that can be maintained beyond the 21 days with enjoyment and ease.

You are strongly encouraged to be present for all live sessions, however a recording of each guided meditation will be made available should you be unable to attend.

You will also have access to a weekly check in/discussion and guided meditation every Wednesday evening. There will also be room for questions after daily meditations if participants want to stay on the Zoom call.

Gain momentum around a daily meditation practice and start experiencing the benefits of a calm, clear and steady mind right away!


Wednesday, January 11th-Tuesday, January 31st 7:00-7:30AM
Daily practice sessions via ZOOM

Wednesdays 6:30 PM - Check in and basic meditation instruction

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Upon successful purchase, you’ll receive an email with a link to download the invitation with the necessary zoom links.

The link for the invitation expires 24 hours after first clicking on the email so please save the file. If you misplace the file, simply email me at jenna@rebootbodymind.com and I will resend.